The People Who Make it Happen
k architects is made up of a dedicated group of 10 talented and professional architects and designers committed to excellence. The passionate people who work at k architects come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, with their ideas shaping the direction of the company and ensuring quality and uniqueness.
Laureata in Architecttura nel Dipartimento Politecnico di Odessa.
Si occupa di una vasta gamma di soluzioni architettoniche come abitazioni, condomini, fabbriche, case di campagna, sviluppi unificati e in genere qualsiasi struttura riguarda il turismo e l'industria alberghiera.
Ingegnere Civile
Senior Civil Engineer graduate of the Department of Civil Engineering of the Odessa Polytechnic.
It has a lot of static and antiseismic studies of ecdonics of various types, whether traditional or not. Experience at construction site with oversight of buildings and technical projects, both in the public and private sectors, both in Cyprus and abroad.
Having been with us since day one, Senior Architect Jamie Lane specializes in projects of all scales, thinking of innovative ideas and space planning designs that are unique to our brand.